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Voting Awareness Program at St. Francis de Sales College

St. Francis de Sales College organized a notable Voting Awareness Program on November 24, 2023, at the multimedia hall. The event aimed to enlighten students about the significance of voting in a democratic society.

The chief guest for the occasion was DDPU Mr. Ramachandrappa, who passionately inspired the students by emphasizing the crucial role they play in shaping the future through their votes. His address underscored the importance of active civic participation and the impact it has on the democratic process.

Tahshildar Mr. Srinivas Kolar took the stage to enlighten the gathering about the fundamentals of democracy and shared insights about the visionary Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. His discourse provided a deeper understanding of the democratic principles that form the foundation of our nation.

The program was presided over by Principal Fr. Joseph Thooppil, who conveyed the college's commitment to fostering informed and responsible citizenship.

In the programme DDPU Mr. Ramachandrappa, Kolar taluk Tahshildar Mr. Srinivas, Principal Fr Joseph Thooppil, Teaching staffs were present in this program.

Mrs. Varsha Department of Commerce compered the program, ensuring its smooth flow, and extended a warm welcome to the assembled guests. And Mr. Arun Johnson Branco Economics Lecturer concluded the program with a gracious vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants.